
target audience

5 Essential Strategies for Successful Digital Marketing for Restaurants
marketing for restaurants

5 Essential Strategies for Successful Digital Marketing for Restaurants

The restaurant industry has seen dramatic changes in recent years due to the digital revolution. With the rise of online ordering, delivery services, and social media, restaurants are now more reliant than ever on digital marketing to reach their customers. Digital marketing allows restaurants to reach a much wider audience, create a more personalized experience…

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Targeted Advertising on Facebook
Targeted Advertising on Facebook: Skyfall Blue Ottawa

Targeted Advertising on Facebook

The Importance of Targeted Advertising on Facebook: Tips and Techniques for Maximizing Your Reach Do you find yourself mindlessly “boosting” your posts on Facebook in hopes that by spending a few dollars here and there every month you will increase your brand awareness and impact? Targeted Advertising is what we do best here at Skyfall…

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1280 853 SkyFall Blue
Which Social Media Platform is Best for My Business?
Which Social Media Platform is Best for My Business?

Which Social Media Platform is Best for My Business?

There’s no escaping social media these days. If you want your business to succeed in the modern world then you need to be putting in the work online to reach more customers and elevate your exposure. The question is, which social media platform is best for your business? With so many different platforms to choose…

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1920 1280 SkyFall Blue
How To Use Instagram Stories To Engage Your Business’ Audience
How To Use Instagram Stories To Engage Your Business' Audience

How To Use Instagram Stories To Engage Your Business’ Audience

Almost every time we suggest that one of our clients uses Instagram to reach a wider audience and grow their business, we’re met with the same types of answers: “What we do isn’t interesting enough for Instagram” or “nobody will follow us, we’re just an XYZ company”.  Instagram isn’t just for big brands or fashion…

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1890 1260 SkyFall Blue
8 Secrets to Mastering Your Social Media Strategy in 2020
8 Secrets to Mastering Your Social Media in 2020

8 Secrets to Mastering Your Social Media Strategy in 2020

Every new year, we ask our clients, and our team, to take a long and hard look back at their social media from the previous year and write down successes, gaps and failures. From campaigns that never made a mark to posts that didn’t keep up with the changing face of the brand, your social…

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1920 1281 SkyFall Blue
Five Simple Ways to Capture E-mail Leads
Five Simple Ways to Capture E-mail Leads

Five Simple Ways to Capture E-mail Leads

Five Simple Ways to Capture E-mail Leads  To make sure that you don’t scare off your potential clients in the same way, the Skyfall Blue team has put together some of our favourite simple and effective tips for capturing new e-mail leads.   We’ve all been there – you land on a webpage, only to be…

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