

E-Commerce Marketing Tips
Ecommerce marketing from Skyfall Blue

E-Commerce Marketing Tips

In today’s world, everybody needs to have their business accessible and available online. Whether you are selling a product, a service or knowledge, the world is working, studying and buying on the internet. This means that business owners are required to master the skills of e-commerce Google Ads,

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1000 578 SkyFall Blue
5 Ways a Small Business Can Benefit with the Right SEO Plan
Digital transformation experts Skyfall Blue

5 Ways a Small Business Can Benefit with the Right SEO Plan

There are no limits to the ways that small businesses can benefit with the right SEO plan. From creating links to their website from other high-quality and popular websites to optimizing all of the copywriting and keyword messaging across their online platforms, search engine optimization is the most affordable, sustainable and reliable tool in the…

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2560 1707 SkyFall Blue
Why a Professional Can Help Your Website Succeed
. 142,000 people saw your competitors Facebook ad this week. How many saw yours?

Why a Professional Can Help Your Website Succeed

Websites are imperative for a business to become successful. Your website serves as a sales platform, marketing tool, space for engagement with global clients and, with effective reporting, an excellent way to analyze your client demographics. A website is very important for any business to succeed, and hiring a professional to help with your website…

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2560 1707 SkyFall Blue
Why is My Website Not on the First Page of Google?
Organic Search Results in Google

Why is My Website Not on the First Page of Google?

Google is the most powerful search engine on the Internet and where your website ranks in its listings could make or break your business. If you want to drive organic traffic to your website and generate more leads, then you really need to get on the first page of Google listings. But getting to the…

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2560 1857 SkyFall Blue
Five Key Elements of a High-Performing Website
dreamscape landscaping business development

Five Key Elements of a High-Performing Website

Wondering why your website isn’t bringing in the same amount of leads as you expected? Creating one isn’t necessarily as simple as you think! While sites like

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1920 917 SkyFall Blue
8 Secrets to Mastering Your Social Media Strategy in 2020
8 Secrets to Mastering Your Social Media in 2020

8 Secrets to Mastering Your Social Media Strategy in 2020

Every new year, we ask our clients, and our team, to take a long and hard look back at their social media from the previous year and write down successes, gaps and failures. From campaigns that never made a mark to posts that didn’t keep up with the changing face of the brand, your social…

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1920 1281 SkyFall Blue
What is Your 2020 Social Media Marketing Strategy?
social media strategy

What is Your 2020 Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Having a social media presence without a solid, research-based social media marketing strategy is the equivalent of trying to swim in a small puddle. Successful social media marketing requires a concise foundation as a reference point—or else you’ll end up floundering.    What is a social media strategy? A social media marketing strategy is simply…

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1920 1280 SkyFall Blue
11 Important Marketing Terms You Should Know
11 Important Marketing Terms You Should Know

11 Important Marketing Terms You Should Know

 The world of marketing can be an overwhelming one. Analytics, trends, SEO, conversion rates, the list of technical jargon goes on. Even if you don’t work in marketing, you want to be able to converse with business partners, customers, and even your marketing team and sound like you know what you’re talking about. Luckily for…

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800 534 SkyFall Blue
How to Write the Perfect Instagram Bio
How to Write the Perfect Instagram Bio

How to Write the Perfect Instagram Bio

They might not seem like much, but an Instagram Bio will make a visitor to your profile form an opinion of you in mere seconds! You want to start your business relationship off on the best foot and that means making a strong first impression. A cleverly written and well thought out Instagram bio will…

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840 558 SkyFall Blue