Score Pizza

Score Pizza in Ottawa Managed by the digital marketing experts at Skyfall Blue

Score Pizza


Social Media, Public Relations, Events

Score Pizza contacted Skyfall Blue to create branded and viral online identity alongside a commitment to their new community through charitable events and partnerships. Within six months of collaborating, our team was able to take their vision onto three powerful social media channels and harness remarkable brand engagement through contests and powerful copywriting.


Public Relations: Media, blog and influencer strategy and implementation.
Social Media Development & Engagement: Instagram 1,035 followers, Facebook: 1,480 likes, Twitter: 788 followers with active, ongoing engagement.
Social Media Campaigns: Viral #nicestorm campaign, holiday campaigns and Grand Opening campaign with celebrity and influencer engagement.


Powerful results manifested quickly from this project. From viral online campaigns to line-ups at the door, Score Pizza saw a remarkable influx in new clients coming directly from online campaigns. Community engagement was increased and capable of improving the brand’s local engagement within a 6 month period.

Score Pizza in Ottawa Managed by the digital marketing experts at Skyfall Blue