6 Digital Marketing Tips for Non-Marketing Executives Skyfall Blue

6 Digital Marketing Tips for Non-Marketing Executives

6 Digital Marketing Tips for Non-Marketing Executives 

So you know your company needs to be marketing online, and you’ve got the green light to do it. What now? You’re not a marketer—you’re an accountant, operations exec, human resources specialist, et cetera. So…how are you going to get this done? These Skyfall Blue Ottawa Marketing Tips will give you some additional insight.

It might seem like a stretch from your current job description, but these skills might come in handy: strategic thinking, problem-solving, resourcefulness, and attention to detail. These will all come in handy as you begin learning about new digital strategies for marketing your business.

However…you may understandably feel intimidated by the thought of diving into something so unfamiliar. That’s why we’ve put together these six helpful tips for non-marketers looking to implement digital marketing strategies in their company. 

Define your company’s digital marketing goals 

Before diving into the specifics of digital marketing, it’s important to clarify your company’s marketing goals. While these goals will vary from company to company and industry to industry, you should at least have a general idea of what you’re aiming for before implementing any new strategies.

Some common marketing goals include:

Increasing leads and sales – This is the most obvious goal of digital marketing. More people are becoming aware of your products and services online, so it’s important to have a plan to turn them into paying customers.

Building brand awareness – Increasing brand awareness is important for a number of reasons. It can help drive traffic to your website, encourage people to make purchases with you, or even help drive potential clients to your business.

Increasing customer loyalty – Loyal customers are a company’s greatest asset. Digital marketing can help you foster positive relationships with your customers and help keep them coming back.

Increasing employee engagement – When employees feel appreciated and happy, your business will be more successful in the long run. Digital marketing can help boost employee morale, helping build a happier and more successful company. 

Hire a digital marketing expert 

As you’re learning the specifics of digital marketing, it can be helpful to work with an expert. This can help ensure that your campaigns will be successful, and it can also help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by the complex nature of digital marketing. If you can’t afford to hire an expert, don’t fret. You can partner with a fellow employee who has a knack for marketing. Additionally, you can partner with an agency. Agencies may be costly, but they’ll help you avoid wasting time and money on a campaign that’s not successful. They can help you create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, ensuring that each campaign ties into the next. 

Plan your ad campaign ahead of time 

Planning your marketing campaign ahead of time can help you save time and money. Make a list of the goals your campaign will achieve, and rank them in order of importance. Next, create a campaign calendar, detailing the dates and frequency of your ad campaign. You can use a calendar like Google Calendar to keep track of all your marketing campaigns at once.

The more you keep your campaigns organized, the easier it will be to track their success. It’s also a good idea to keep your team informed about the marketing strategies you’re implementing. If team members know about the ad campaigns, they can help build excitement about them. 

Learn how to use ad platforms 

Now that you’ve got a handle on the basics of digital marketing, it’s time to learn about the advertising platforms you can use to implement your campaigns.

These are the main advertising platforms you’ll want to know about:

Display ads– Display ads, such as banner ads and skyscrapers, are advertisements on websites and apps.

Search engine marketing (SEM)- SEM is the practice of increasing your website’s visibility in search engines with paid ads.

Email marketing- Email marketing is the practice of sending out emails to a company’s mailing list to encourage sales or boost brand awareness.

Influencer marketing- Influencer marketing is similar to paid partnerships, but it focuses on working with influencers or leading figures in your industry to increase brand awareness.

Social media marketing- Social media marketing is the practice of using social media platforms to increase brand awareness.

Digital retail- Digital retail refers to the practice of selling physical products through your website or apps.

Retargeting- Retargeting is the practice of displaying ads to people who have already viewed your website. 

Skyfall Blue Ottawa is here for all your marketing tips. Reach out to us today.

Leverage user data and behavior insights 

Understanding your customers and their needs is essential to successful marketing campaigns. Before you implement your next ad strategy, look at the data available to you. Look at the types of people who visit your website or app. Where do they live? What are their demographics? What are their interests? This is information you can use to create more relevant ad campaigns that are more likely to succeed. Next, take a look at your customers’ online behavior. How often do they shop with you online? How long do they stay on your site? What products do they spend the most time looking at? This data can help you determine what kinds of ads are most likely to succeed. 


Eventually, you’ll become a digital marketing professional, but until then, it’s important to keep these tips in mind. It’s also important to understand that digital marketing is a constantly evolving industry. New strategies and methods for digital marketing are being developed all the time. That’s why it’s so important to stay up to date with the latest trends and strategies. Digital marketing can be complex, but when applied correctly, it can help your company drive more traffic and make more sales. 

Call us today at 613-912-7780 or fill out the form here. Skyfall Blue is here for all your digital marketing services and marketing tips.

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