Organic search results by Skyfall Blue

What Are Organic Search Results?

Organic Results

Quite simply put, organic search results are the unpaid results that search engine list when a user is looking something up online.

As soon as you hit that search button, you’ll see thousands of results pop up. Some paid and some organic. The main difference between the two is how they got there in the first place. Typically, the first few results shown are paid options that the search engine feels were most relevant to you. That’s to say, somebody is putting money behind those specific keywords to ensure that their product, service or site is shown to you first based on what you searched.

Example: If you Google “Ottawa Marketing Company” you will see we are #3 organically. Sometimes we are #1, #2 or even #5, but these are organic results that Google places us based on keywords and value.

Organic results, on the other hand, are unpaid results that are usually shown after paid results. They are shown to you in searches because the web page contains keywords based on what you searched for. Search engines’ algorithms crawl countless web pages daily.  They determine what results are most relevant to you because they contain keywords that most closely match what you’re looking for. The pages that are shown in organic search results often also boast the highest traffic. That is, regular visitors – along with keyword relevance and a few other factors.


Now that you know what organic search results are. How do you get your content shown in searches in the first place without paying for it to be? The short answer is that you need to employ an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy.

An SEO strategy involves scanning all of the content on your website and ensuring it is accurate. As well, is populated with the right title tags, meta descriptions, URLS, keywords, and content for search engines to deem it attractive and rank it in search engine results. It’s important to note that the process isn’t instantaneous. It can often take several months for your website to rank higher in organic searches.

SEO guides are readily available online if you want to take on your SEO strategy yourself. However, many agencies (Skyfall Blue included!) offer this service to their clients.

Curious to know more or ready to kickstart an SEO strategy for your business? Learn more about what we offer at:

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