Social Media Marketing

5 Ways to Save Money on Social Media Marketing

A good social media marketing strategy is much more than posting a photo or tweeting on a regular basis—great digital marketing requires research, strategy and posts that are targeted in the right places (to the right audience). When done well, social media can have a major impact on your business: A majority of marketers (92%) say social media marketing is important, and 80% say it increased traffic to their websites.


While social media marketing, posts and advertising are definitely cheaper than traditional marketing methods—paid search is 5% of the cost of direct mail marketing, for example—you still have a few options to shave some costs (and time) if your social media budget is slim. Here are just a few ways to save money, while still being strategic about your efforts:


1) Leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics

Becoming an SEO expert requires some additional up-front effort, but can impact your search rankings for years to come. If you can do a little research on what long and short-tail key words your customers are searching for and optimize your content and website, you’ll basically improve your search rankings for free (without the costs of ongoing advertising).


2) Focus on the platform with highest ROI

One tactic to save time and effort (and therefore, money) is to spend a majority of your energy on the social media platform that works best for your business. If your customers are very active on Facebook, for example, ensure you’re replying to comments, reviews, etc.


3) Offer free products in exchange for reviews

In general, professional product endorsements or reviewers with expansive online followings like to be paid for their time and effort in money (rather than simply products). However, plenty of average consumers are willing to provide a public review for a complimentary sample of your product, therefore increasing your online visibility and word-of-mouth marketing efforts.


4) Reuse and repurpose content

You don’t always need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to your social media, especially if you already have quality content. Think how you can strategically reuse or repurpose good, handcrafted content across your social networks to save both time and money.


5) Outsource your social media marketing

Okay, your first thought might be, ‘How can outsourcing my social media save me money?’ But, outsourcing your social media to a marketing firm can often be cheaper than hiring and providing benefits for an in-house social media marketer, and you will likely get the brainpower of an entire team of marketing experts.


Considering outsourcing your social media to save time and money? Contact the social media team at Skyfall Blue today for a free consultation!


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