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How to Define Your Personal Brand

We often discuss brand identity for businesses. But, building a personal brand can be equally, if not more so, important.  


Consider this: 92% of people trust recommendations from individuals (even if they don’t know them) over brands. And, leads developed through an employee’s social media activity convert seven times more frequently than other leads.  


Consumers today connect better with faces than corporate brands and rely on word-of-mouth marketing when considering a product or service. This means your reputation can be either your strongest asset or greatest liability. 


If you’d like to build (or refine) your own personal brand to become a thought leader or influencer in your online network, here a few tips to follow: 


Pick your passion

Your audience can tell when you don’t seem to care about what you’re sharing (and, you don’t want to get bored with it yourself). Narrow down your focus to 1-2 topics related to your industry that you enjoy learning more about. 


Find your platform

Not every networking tool works for every type of message. Choose one primary platform that suits how you deliver your thoughts (for example: Twitter for brief messages or Facebook for live videos) and grow that before expanding to other social networks. 


Be authentic

Remember that first and foremost you’re selling yourself. People aren’t going to listen to a product endorsement without first trusting the messenger, and the best way to build that trust is to simply be yourself. 


Be consistent

Another way to grow a network and build trust is consistency. Post regularly and stick to the same tone and key messages. 


Provide value 

Your followers are more likely to take in interest in what you have to say if you provide them a benefit first. Share interesting industry information, write a helpful blog or whitepaper, or assist your followers in solving a common problem. 



Take an interest in your peers and potential customers. Ask for their thoughts and offer yours—this shows your personal brand isn’t solely self-focused.  


Creating a meaningful personal brand takes a good amount of time and energy, but can pay off big in the end. For more guidance and advice on how to take your personal brand (or corporate brand) to the next level, contact Skyfall Blue today. 


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