Digital marketing

How to Create a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

More people than ever before are online. The planet currently has a global population of approximately 7.5 billion people and, of that number, approximately 3.4 billion are Internet users, with 2.3 billion being active social media users. These numbers show an increase in growth of 10% from the previous year. If we look at the USA, for example, 10 years ago, only 7% of the population was using social media. In the past decade, that number has risen to a staggering 65%. The power of the Internet is one that cannot be denied. Engaging with clients and consumers has never been easier, but you need to be sure of the correct platforms to use in order to reach your target audience and have a truly successful digital marketing campaign.


Do your background research

A successful digital marketing campaign is one that has a lot of research behind it – be well informed on your target audience by gathering data. You can gather data through surveys or questionnaires, or through online analytics tools, just ensure that you learn everything you can about your customers. Making sure their needs and wants are satisfied is what will drive your campaign to success.


Content is king

Your marketing content needs to be top-notch, persuasive, and keyword-heavy, using all the correct verbiage to get your digital marketing campaign in front of the right people. Do your keyword research and make sure you’re using the right buzzwords! You can also look back to older blog posts and content on your website, to make sure they are correctly optimized for keywords and search engine traffic. Using a blog analytics tool, such as Clicky, allows you to view your most popular blog posts and the strongest keywords.


Take advantage of influencer marketing

Buyers are people who trust people – not necessarily brands. Collaborating with an online influencer or blogger, whose niche audience matches your own target demographic, will allow you to access a new base of potential customers. Influencers can act as the human face to your brand, adding elements of authenticity and providing a genuine voice. Influencers can also bridge the gap between the virtual world and the real one by hosting both online and offline events, which gives followers a chance to meet them in person and enforce their authenticity.


Make sure your website looks good

If you’re directing potential new clients to your website, you need to make sure it’s looking its best. Conduct a usability test of your site to make sure it’s performing as well as it can be, and any visitors will find it easy and simple to navigate. Take note of any weak areas and see how they can be improved. Equally look for the areas that are performing well. Use a site like Crazy Egg to view a heatmap of your website to see what’s working and what isn’t.


Have a clear call-to-action

Your marketing efforts will all be for nothing if you don’t have a clear call-to-action, which provokes a direct response from the viewer. Calls to action could include “Call now”, “Visit our site for more information”, or “Sign up to our mailing list”. If you are directing people to your website, consider creating a landing page to pair with your call-to-action. Landing pages are often linked to digital marketing campaigns as they are a fantastic way to capture new leads and indicate how popular the campaign is performing in converting visitors into sales.


Measure your campaign

Knowing what your campaign successes and failures were will be important to any future campaigns you may implement. Learning from any mistakes and measuring your Return on Investment (ROI) will ensure that any future campaigns are more cost-effective and impactful. A tool like Google Analytics can be used to track visitors to your site, what they were interested in, and how many were converted to customers.


Don’t despair if you are a smaller company

Smaller brands may lack the resources and funds of larger companies, but that doesn’t mean they need to miss out when it comes to digital marketing campaigns. One of the best aspects of social media is the low cost involved, as long as you know what you’re doing! You just need to make sure that your marketing efforts are getting in front of the right people to make them as effective as possible and really squeeze the return on investment.


We would be eager to work with you to develop a successful digital marketing campaign to help grow your online business and generate more revenue for you. If you require help with your online marketing efforts, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at SKYFALL BLUE today!

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