Digital Marketing Ottawa

10 Major Benefits of Online Advertising

Interested in online advertising, but not sure if the benefits outweigh the cost? Consider this: When consumers see an online ad that interests them, 44% click on the ad (while others research the company or visit its website). Check out some of the other benefits of using online advertizing to promote your business:

1-It reaches a new market

Traditional advertising avenues like print, TV and radio has a limited market reach. Online ads allow you to reach a potential pool of 17 billion Internet users.

2-It’s inexpensive

Print and TV ads can be expensive and require long, tedious contracts. Online ads can be relatively inexpensive and be limited to a certain number of views based on your budget.

3-It’s hard to ignore

Viewers can use their DVRs to skip through ads, and you can easily change the channel on a radio. However, it’s much harder to ignore an online ad as you’re browsing through pages.

4-It keeps your brand top of mind

All ads include the benefit of increasing brand awareness. But with online ad tools like re-targeting, you can virtually “follow” web visitors who might already be interested in your product to encourage a purchase.

5-It allows you to target a specific audience

Online ads can be specifically targeted based on location (geo-targeting), browsing history or demographics to reach a more defined target audience. And, you can use this information to target content that would be relevant based on your audience’s interests.

6-It proves legitimacy company

To an online audience that may see many competitors both online and off, online advertising shows you’re a serious competitor. Consumers tend to trust the success of companies with advertising budgets (47% of people generally trust ads).

7-It can be interactive

Traditional advertising means tend to be static (meaning you post the ad, and hope people engage with that ad). However, online ads allow you to experiment with interactive elements for two-way communication like surveys, comments, and product feedback.

8-It provides rich data

Unlike traditional advertising, online ads provide measurable response rates through the tracking of items like clicks, views, conversions, and more.

9-It’s easy to refresh as needed

With traditional ads, it’s harder to change or update your designs to respond to trends or response rates. Through use of online ads, if you want to change your ad (due to A/B testing, new product news or response rates), you can change with the click of a button.

10- It runs 24/7

The Internet is available at all hours of the day, which increases your ad’s potential exposure. Traditional ads, however, are typically limited in reach to certain times of the day.

To start seeing these benefits for yourself, call SKYFALL BLUE today for online and digital advertising as part of your company’s promotional strategy.

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