Digital Marketing Ottawa

6 Mobile Website Design Tips

6 Mobile Website Design Tips

It’s been a decade since marketers and website engineers could confidently say all (or most) website views originated from a computer screen. In fact, today over half of online consumers use multiple devices when shopping for a product. As the number of internet-enabled devices and screen sizes grows, so does the need for agile mobile and responsive web design.

If the sheer numbers of mobile shoppers hasn’t been enough to convince you to go mobile, Google also recently implemented what’s being called “Mobilegeddon.” This new algorithm ranks websites with mobile-friendly designs higher than those without. However, a surprising number of businesses have been slow to change: Forrester Research estimates only 38% of all websites for businesses of 1,000 or more employees meet Google’s criteria.

If you’re ready to update your website to be mobile-friendly or responsive, check out these 6 design tips:

Verify your website:

Not sure if your website is mobile friendly or not? Google provides the “Mobile Friendly Test” tool that shows how Google Search sees your page, and lets you know what needs to be updated in order to be mobile-friendly.

Research competitor websites:

Look at other websites in your industry that convert well to mobile, and borrow some of their design concepts.

Design to be responsive:

If your budget allows, consider investing in a responsive website. This is Google’s most preferred format, and allows you to maintain your website from one source (rather than multiple for mobile).

Outline your customer journey:

Simplify your design by focusing on your main call-to-action for customers. If your main call-to-action is to get consumers to purchase widgets, make it easy for mobile visitors to view your widgets and then purchase widgets via their mobile devices.

Size images correctly:

Some “smart” image uploaders can help you set rules on what size image to display on different sizes of screens. This allows your images to fluidly adapt to different screens.

Be consistent:

Maintaining the same streamlined experience from start to finish supports ease of use for your customer (cited the most important factor by 48% of mobile shoppers).

If you’re ready for a mobile-friendly upgrade, the best solution is to talk to a knowledgeable web developer. The friendly and helpful staff at SKYFALL BLUE is ready with answers to your mobile and responsive website design inquiries!


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