Lessons Learned: Top 5 Twitter Mistakes You Should Avoid ASAP


Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published at Ottawa Valley Moms (read the original post here). The post was so popular and well-received that we are excited to share it with you here at SKYFALL BLUE BLOG.

If you’ve been on Twitter long enough, I’m sure that like me, you’ve acquired a good sense of what you like, not like and absolutely abhor in Twitter. As the Social Media platform with (IMO) the least amount of learning curve and by far, the quickest in terms of forming engagements and relationships, Twitter is a fabulous tool to connect with the world but it is also one rife with one too many faux-pas.

Sometimes, Social Media faux-pas are inappropriate at best, could be funny and entertaining but at worst, it could have some dire consequences like, hmnn… I don’t know, labeling you as a Social Media pariah. Not exactly the digital title you want now, is it?

So, let’s take a look at SKYFALL BLUE’s Top 5 Twitter Mistakes and how to absolutely avoid them like the deathly plague in 2013:

1.        Automatic Direct Messages

 As much as I’d like a welcome and a thank you (not expected but much appreciated) when I decided to follow you, I want my welcome warm and not through a generic computer generated bot Auto DM that tells me I, too, should follow you at Facebook, your website, Instagram, Pinterest, your home address, the gym you go to, etc. Let’s just start with Twitter, shall we?

2.       Twitter Validation

 Worst than the Auto DMs are the Auto Verification DMs, which tells you that this account you just followed is using a validation system and that you should validate yourself in order to be deemed to be worthy to follow this Twitter handle. Why? Did I just the follow the IRS or the CRA? Are you going to run my car’s license plate next to see if I can re-tweet you? Twitter already has a system that establishes authenticity of identities on Twitter. Just do what you’re supposed to do and tweet dammit!


Example of a fantastic Twitter Bio – Ottawa Valley Moms
You can follow them at @OttawaValleyMom

3.       Poorly Written Bios

While I don’t subscribe to #TeamFollowBack, and I won’t follow you just because you followed me, let’s shift the focus from default follows and explore why I should follow you. It’s akin to a dating site – share about yourself, your interests, and what you do. I want to know more about you before deciding to connect. But if your passion is tweeting, and your location is simply listed as the Universe, it’s challenging to discern who you are. Provide meaningful information to make your profile stand out and invite genuine connections.

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4.       Missing or Generic Avatar (Twitter Profile Picture)

 I think one of the most poorly thought of quote of all time is “Do Not Judge the Book by Its Cover”. While you’re being non-judgmental of others, do know that the rest of the world is judging you. You’ve got less than a minute to make a good impression in real life and in Twitter, you have less than half of that minute and part of that deciding factor for me is your Twitter Profile Picture. How can I possibly trust you if your picture is that of Taylor Swift or One Republic? I sure can’t trust cat (unless you are in fact Karl Lagerfeld’s Choupette), a rose and a heart (sweet but no) and perhaps equally worst, an egg.

p.s. While you’re at it, optimize your Twitter background too. It’s prime real estate to communicate your brand’s message, logo and images.

5.       Broken Links And Missing URLs

While it may not seem consequential, consider this scenario: you’ve tweeted about a time-sensitive sale for your company, featuring an exciting tagline of ‘Up to 75% OFF with FREE SHIPPING.’ However, if you provide the incorrect link or forget to attach a URL, you risk losing that sale. Not to mention the frustration of excited customers encountering a non-functional link. So, before you hit that tweet button, take a few extra seconds to ensure you have the proper links. It’s a small effort that can prevent a mistake you cannot afford to ignore.

If you noticed, these TOP 5 Twitter Mistakes are more on the technical side, which means they are blunders that can be quickly and easily fixed. Next time, we will talk about the soft skills involved in Twitter (or Social Media in general) so stay tuned, it’s going to be a juicy one.

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Are you guilty of any of these Twitter Mistakes? Can you think of more?


SkyFall Blue

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