Top Social Media Make-over Marketing Company Ottawa: Skyfall Blue

New Year’s Resolution: Social Media Make-over



This is going to sound really cliché but think about it before you dismiss it. The beginning of the year is usually the time where we sit back and reflect last year’s failures and successes and vow, more than anything to change things for the better.

If we have personal grandiose plans of going to the gym every day, eating healthy and never procrastinating ever again, why can’t we apply the same enthusiasm to our business and draft a New Year’s resolution, which starts with making over the most publicly accessible face of your operations – your social media.

Here’s SKYFALL BLUE’s Top 5 Social Media Make-over Resolutions for 2013:


1.    Let’s Start From The Very Beginning

Running a company by itself is overwhelming. Add to that the increasing pressures of being visible both online and IRL, your company’s list of deliverables is just going to get longer and longer until you don’t even know what you’re trying to achieve anymore. So get back to basics and take your pen to paper. This may sound old school but writing down goals is the first step to breaking down and making it more achievable.

2.    Update and Modify Your Social Media Profiles

One thing that is constant in this world is change. We all know that, don’t we? Your company or even you may have gone through changes last year; maybe you’ve won some awards, landed some major clients or expanded your services – you need to let your clients and your followers know about these important updates. While you’re at it, make you sure you update your profile photo as well. This is after all, the very first visual the world see of you. This is beyond vanity but a proven fact that can make people stay or go. Use the power of imagery to communicate the vision of your company and the direction it’s heading to.

3.    Combine All In One

As a company, you may be managing many different accounts at the same time and you’re having a hard time getting on top of them. Why not bring them all together in one efficient dashboard, especially if you are doing a lot of cross-posting contents regularly. There are a number of tools in the market that may suit your needs: Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, etc. You may have to test drive a couple to see which ones offer the functionalities that works best for you.


4.    Get Scheduled, Get Organized

Sometimes, even with the best intentions and well-laid plans, you find yourself behind than ahead with your social media plans because life happens and it happens to the best of us. So, in order to stay on top of the game even when you’re in the middle of crisis, create a timetable and schedule content – whether it’s blogs posts or automated tweets –  ahead of time. Make sure that your content is relevant and not time sensitive otherwise; it will become very apparent, very quickly, that there is actually NO ONE behind those tweets or updates. And who would want to talk to that?


5.    Get Social, It’s Called Social Media for a Reason

Although social media has evolved to become many different things to many different people, social engagement remains as the very essence of it. The most successful people/companies in social media are the ones who are taking the time and the effort to establish social engagements, building relationships. Yes, you can automate your tweets, you can pretty automate anything these days but engagement takes work and actual human presence. You have to remember that social media is a very valuable direct line to customers, clients, and relationships so treat with the appropriate courtesy and respect. Because if there’s anything I can think we can all agree upon – social influence is very real and very powerful.


What about you, do you have Social Media New Year’s Resolution in 2013?

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